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To be the model private intiative championing the understanding of copyright law.
To be the hub for all copyright legal practitioners, academicians and other professionals for practical solutions on all copyright matters in Uganda and beyond.

Copyright Institute Of Uganda
The Copyright Institute of Uganda, is established to promote copyright law awareness and education in order to steer interest in and advance the study and understanding of copyright law in relation to copyrights and neighbouring rights which include but are not limited to music, art, literature, theatre, motion picture, television, computer software, architecture, and other works of authorship, and their distribution through both traditional and new media and all other such rights as provided under the laws of Uganda and ratified International Statutes.
Members of the Institute include Lawyers, advocates, Judges, Academicians and professionals from IP firms and copyright based industries.
The Institute provides opportunities for interaction amongst the members who come from the different sectors of the copyright and neighbouring rights industries for a deeper appreciation of Copyright law. The Institute holds
workshops tailored to give a deeper appreciation of copyright Law amongst the members and other stakeholders in the copyright based industries.
The copyright bargain: a balance between protection for the artist and rights for the consumer.